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Is Your Houston Business Properly Protected? A Guide to Choosing the Right General Liability Insurance Policy

by | Dec 22, 2023 | Liability Insurance | 0 comments

As a Houston business owner, you know the importance of taking risks. You’ve poured your heart and soul into your venture, and you’re determined to see it succeed. But what happens when something goes wrong? What if a customer slips and falls on your property? What if your product is alleged to be defective and causes harm? That’s where general liability insurance comes in. This essential coverage can help protect your business from financial ruin in the event of a lawsuit. But with so many different policies available, how do you choose the right one for your Houston business?

What is General Liability Insurance?

General liability insurance is a type of business insurance that protects against third-party claims of bodily injury, property damage, and personal and advertising injury. In layman’s terms, if someone gets hurt or their property is damaged because of your business, general liability insurance can help cover the costs.

What Does General Liability Insurance Cover in Houston?

The specific coverage provided by a general liability insurance policy will vary depending on the insurer and the policy you choose. However, most policies will cover the following:

  • Bodily injury: This covers medical expenses and other damages if someone is injured on your property or as a result of your products or services.
  • Property damage: This covers the cost of repairing or replacing property that is damaged as a result of your business operations.
  • Personal and advertising injury: This covers damages for things like libel, slander, and false advertising.

How Much General Liability Insurance Do I Need in Houston?

The amount of general liability insurance you need will depend on a number of factors, including the size of your business, the type of industry you’re in, and your risk exposure. A good rule of thumb is to start with a policy that provides at least $1 million in coverage. However, you may need more depending on your specific circumstances.

How to Choose the Right General Liability Insurance Policy for Your Houston Business

When choosing a general liability insurance policy, it’s important to compare quotes from multiple insurers. Be sure to ask about the following:

  • The coverage limits: How much coverage does the policy provide for bodily injury, property damage, and personal and advertising injury?
  • The deductibles: What is the amount you will have to pay out of pocket before the insurance company starts covering claims?
  • The exclusions: What is not covered by the policy?
  • The endorsements: Are there any additional coverages you can add to the policy, such as liquor liability or product liability?

Tips for Saving Money on General Liability Insurance in Houston

There are a few things you can do to save money on general liability insurance:

  • Shop around: Get quotes from multiple insurers before you choose a policy.
  • Bundle your insurance: Many insurers offer discounts if you purchase multiple policies from them, such as general liability and business property insurance.
  • Improve your risk profile: The safer your business is, the lower your insurance premiums will be. This means taking steps to prevent accidents, such as installing slip-and-fall prevention measures and training your employees on safety procedures.

General Liability Insurance: A Houston Business Must-Have

General liability insurance is an essential investment for any Houston business. It can help protect your business from financial ruin in the event of a lawsuit. By following the tips in this guide, you can choose the right policy for your business and get the coverage you need at a price you can afford.
