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Homwowners Insurance Houston: Guide to Prepare your Home from Natural Disaster

by | Apr 14, 2023 | Homeowners Insurance | 0 comments

In excess of $1 billion in damages have been caused by 258 weather and climate disasters in the United States since 1980. Furthermore, scientific evidence indicates that because of human-caused climate change, severe weather occurrences are likely to increase in frequency or intensity.

It’s crucial to prepare your home as natural disasters continue to strike the country. You may minimise damage to your house and ensure the safety of your family and pets by taking a few easy precautions to prepare for storms, floods, and other catastrophes.

Understand Your Environment

Choosing a place to reside and becoming familiar with the dangers in that location are the first steps in disaster preparation. Different geographical areas are vulnerable to different kinds of calamities. For instance, you’ll need to take different preparations if you live in a hurricane-prone location than an earthquake-prone area.

There are a number of approaches to determine the frequency of natural disasters in your location, including:

  • Call the county clerk’s office or the emergency management office in your area. They ought to be able to tell you what kinds of catastrophes have previously happened in your area and what you can do to be ready for them.
  • Visit the webpage of the National Weather Service. You may learn more about the different weather events that can happen in your area and how to prepare for them by using the site’s numerous tools.
  • The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) offers online tools for disaster information that will assist you in determining your risk for numerous catastrophes that may occur across the US.

To properly prepare your home, it’s essential to make use of these resources to learn about the kinds of catastrophes that are most common in your area.

Plan your evacuations.

Making an evacuation strategy is the following action. Plans for evacuation are essential since they outline what to do in detail in case of disaster. An effective evacuation strategy should include:

  • Transportation plans using personal automobiles or public transportation; A safe place to go during an evacuation (for instance, a relative’s home outside of the disaster region);
  • A number of escape routes.
  • Ensure that the evacuation strategy is understood by all members of your family and that they have a waterproof copy of the written instructions.


The next step is to buy insurance if you have a plan. Insurance is essential in a natural catastrophe since it can aid in your financial recovery from losses incurred due to damage to your home or possessions.

In the event of a natural disaster, various types of insurance can be useful, including:

Homeowners Insurance Houston

One of the biggest purchases you’ll ever make is your home, therefore you should safeguard it. How much coverage is required and what types of damage are covered by homeowners insurance Houston are the two most important inquiries.

As well as covering personal property like gadgets, clothing, and furniture, homeowners insurance frequently also covers damage from storms, fires, and theft. Ask your agent about getting extra coverage if you live in an area that frequently experiences hurricanes, earthquakes, or tornadoes.


You are covered by renters insurance houston in the event of theft, water backup damage, specific natural disasters, and bodily injuries in a rented home. However, as a tenant, you need buy renters insurance to safeguard your possessions as the majority of landlords do not offer this insurance.

Pet Insurance Houston

Families are concerned for both their own safety and the safety of their animals during a natural disaster. It’s crucial to have a plan in place for your pet’s protection in case you need to leave your house. Pet insurance can be useful in this situation.

If your pet is hurt during a crisis and needs emergency care, pet insurance may be able to help with the costs. Some pet insurance policies also cover:

  • Routine care like vaccinations and wellness checks;
  • Alternative therapies like acupuncture or hydrotherapy;
  • Medication like heartworm preventatives or flea and tick control;
  • Tests and diagnostics like X-rays, ultrasounds, and blood tests.

Read the policy carefully before buying since pet insurance products often include a deductible, co-pay, and maximum benefit limit.

Life Insurance Houston

In the case of your passing, life insurance Houston offers your loved ones financial security. It is crucial to acquire life insurance in case of an early death if you are the main provider for your family. Several types of life insurance exist, including:

  • Term life insurance offers protection for a predetermined time frame, such as 10 or 30 years. When the term expires and you are no longer covered, the coverage comes to an end.
  • Your entire life is covered by permanent life insurance. Although the premiums for this type of insurance are normally greater than those for term life insurance, it can also accrue cash worth over time that you can use as collateral or withdraw.
  • Permanent life insurance that offers adjustable premiums and a death benefit is known as universal life insurance.
  • A type of permanent life insurance called variable life insurance gives you choices for investing your cash value.

Although they are not the only insurance options, they are among the most popular and crucial to take into account when preparing for a natural disaster.

Auto Insurance Houston

Another crucial form of insurance is auto insurance, particularly if you reside in a region vulnerable to natural catastrophes. If your automobile is damaged in a covered occurrence, your auto insurance will pay for the necessary repairs or replacements. The majority of auto insurance packages additionally include:

  • The items in your car, including your clothing, bags, and electronics;
  • The cost of your and your passengers’ medical care if you are hurt in an accident;
  • If you are involved in an accident with a driver who is either uninsured or underinsured, you may be covered by their uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage.

Read your auto insurance policy carefully to understand what is and is not covered, just as with other types of insurance.

Prepare a bug-out bag.

A bug-out bag should be prepared in addition to having the appropriate insurance coverage. An emergency bug-out bag is a transportable kit that has everything you’ll need to survive for 72 hours.

You should pack items like these in your bug-out bag:

  • A water filter or purification system, a lot of non-perishable food, and at least one gallon of water per person per day should all be kept on hand.
  • A first aid kit should contain bandages, gauze, tape, scissors, painkillers, and antiseptic wipes at a minimum.
  • Clothing, bedding, and personal items: You should have a spare set of socks, caps, and gloves as well as a change of clothes for each individual. A blanket or sleeping bag for each individual, any prescribed medications, and toiletries should also be packed.
  • Tools: It’s important to have a multi-tool, torch, and whistle on hand.
  • Documents: Important documents should be kept in a waterproof and fireproof container, including your birth certificate, driver’s licence, and insurance cards.
  • Cash: Having cash on hand is essential in the event that ATMs or credit card processing systems go down.
  • Once you’ve packed everything you’ll need, keep your bug-out bag somewhere you can get to it quickly in case you need to go.

Get Your House Ready

Making preparations for a natural calamity in your home is also essential. You can do the following things to get your house ready:

  • Trim trees and bushes: If your property is among overgrown trees and shrubs, strong winds could cause damage.
  • erect flood barriers: To safeguard your home if you reside in a flood-prone area, erect barriers like sandbags or floodgates.
  • Elevate appliances: To protect them from floodwater damage, elevate appliances like your water heater and washer and dryer.
  • Turn off utilities: Before leaving if you’re evacuating, make sure to turn off all of your utilities, including your electricity, gas, and water.

Making the effort to get yourself, your family, and your house ready reduces the harm and disruption these catastrophes can bring.

Get everyone to agree on a position

Make sure everyone in your household is on the same page once you’ve taken the time to prepare yourself and your home for a natural disaster.

Tips for getting ready include:

  • Make sure everyone in your household is familiar with the evacuation plan and has practised it. Knowing where to meet, how to get there, and what to do if you get lost are all part of this.
  • Remember your pets: Pets are sometimes forgotten about during natural disasters, so make sure they are part of your plan by updating their identification tags, getting them microchipped in case they get lost, packing pet supplies in your emergency kit, and making sure they have a safe place to stay.
  • Plan your communications: It’s essential to prepare a communication strategy in case your phones and internet go out. A two-way radio might be used in this situation.