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8 situations where Life insurance in Houston is necessary

by | Mar 31, 2023 | personal | 0 comments

8 situations where Life insurance in Houston is necessary.

You likely need life insurance if your death will cause someone to suffer monetarily.

After your death, it gives money to your relatives. Known as the “death benefit,” it can assist your family with crucial financial requirements like funeral costs, daily living expenditures, and college funding. It replaces your income. Moreover, payments from life insurance are not subject to federal income tax.

The following eight situations, for which you might need life insurance, are provided by the charity Life Happens:

You’re Married.

Would the income of your surviving spouse be sufficient to cover your monthly rent or mortgage, utility expenses, and debts like credit card and auto loans? You should purchase life insurance now if you intend to have children because some insurance providers won’t sell plans to expectant women.

You Are Married With Children

To make expenses meet, the majority of families rely on two incomes. Could your family continue to meet all of its financial obligations, including paying the rent or mortgage and everyday living costs, if you passed away unexpectedly? Your spouse’s income alone wouldn’t be enough to maintain your family’s level of living. Will plans for the future, like education, be kept intact?

You’re a Single Parent.

One in ten parents who are unmarried report having no life insurance, and many of those who do claim to have it say they need more. Given the weight of responsibility on your shoulders, you should take extra care to ensure that you have enough life insurance to protect the financial security of your children.

You’re a Stay-At-Home Parent.

You can still support your family financially even if you don’t have a regular paycheck. Caregiving, transportation, cooking, cleaning, and other domestic duties are necessary tasks, but their replacement costs are frequently grossly undervalued.

You Have Grown Children.

Your spouse would still have to pay for everyday living expenses if you passed away today. Would your financial plan allow your spouse to continue living the lifestyle you’ve worked so hard to accomplish without life insurance?

You’re Now Retired

Your heirs may be required to pay an inheritance tax of up to 45% after your passing, depending on the size of your estate. The instant payment of a life insurance policy’s proceeds spares heirs from having to quickly sell other assets, frequently for pennies on the dollar, to pay for taxes, funeral expenses, and other debts. Additionally, life insurance payouts are typically exempt from income taxes and, with the right planning, won’t increase your inheritance tax burden.

You Run a Small Company.

What would happen to your company if you, a colleague owner, or a crucial employee passed away tomorrow? A buy-sell agreement can be funded by a Life Insurance Houston policy, guaranteeing that the surviving business owners have the resources to acquire the company interests of a deceased owner at a predetermined price. In this manner, the company belongs to the owners, and the family makes money.

You Are Single

Most single individuals don’t require Life Insurance Houston because no one is financially dependent on them. Though there are some outliers. For instance, some single people assist a special needs sibling or aging parents financially. Others might be burdened by a sizable bill that they wouldn’t want to leave to their surviving relatives. Your insurability is at its highest if you’re young, healthy, and have a clean family medical history. As a result, you’ll receive the best Life Insurance Houston prices.

In other words, life insurance ensures that your future goals do not end with you.